Weather broadcaster and commercial announcer WSEE TV 1962-1963.
Met her husband through that as he was transferred
into Erie with the National Weather Service. They were married 44 years until his passing in May 2007. Their only child,
Madelyn Joy Greco, lives near Greensboro, NC.
Summer commerical announcer on WICU TV on the Bea Canfield Show 1968.
talk show host and commercial announcer WWYN 1971-1977.
Radio morning news anchor WJET 1977-1982 and locally broke
a couple exciting national stories like the death of Elvis Presley and the demise of evangelist Jim Jones and thousands of
his followers in Guyana.
Greco has held a variety of other positions during hercareer, including elected service on
Erie County Council from 1992-2006 (the biggest "lil" part-time job in the world).
Currently Greco is still media-oriented as Chief of Staff for State Representative John Hornaman
(D-3rd District).